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Unsure if all your business tasks, although keeping you busy, are worth it?

Struggling with Facebook Ads and not seeing the results you hoped for?


This is normal: you're not alone! Many solopreneurs face the same challenges. We can't be expected to know the intricacies of media buying plus everything else it takes to start, launch or grow a business!

Do you have a strategy to launch your idea, or grow your micro business?

This is also normal: many of us started out with a great idea, or a hobby we want to try and make a living with. The many online business guru's *eye roll* are big on words but thin on actual steps or strategy. If you are feeling frustrated or burned out - you probably just need an actual strategy, for your specific business.

Do you need more customers?

Again, totally normal: unless we are all famous influencers already with people poised to purchase - we need to first identify, nurture, grow, then sell, our ideal clients or customers. This often takes more intentional action over a longer period of time than small business owners realise.

Start here!

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